Front-End Developer and Data Analyst

Anna Tata

My name is Anna Tata. I have an experience as front-end developer and designer and can create a site from scratch and fill it with the necessary unique content as you wish. Since 2012, I have been involved in the development, design and creation of sites, as well as their optimization and promotion.

Jeg er uddannet ingeniør med 15 års erfaring som matematiklærer, engelsklærer og butikschef og flere år som ingeniør. Nu lærer jeg at arbejde med data på Data Analytics kurset. Jeg lærte det grundlæggende i Html og CSS og responsivt design. Jeg oprettede flere websteder og promoverede dem på internettet.


  1. ................................[ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. https:// ..........................[ Designe ]
  3. https:// ..........................................[ My resume ]

Work Experience

Front-End Developer Freelance

February 2012 - up to now | Ukraine

  • Website design development.
  • Stylization of site functionality.
  • Content creation. Filling the site with appropriate unique content.
  • Creation of photos and photomontage.

Manager Partner-Dnepr

March 2012 - October 2018 | Ukraine

  • Website design development.
  • Stylization of site functionality.
  • Creation of photos and photomontage.
  • Promotion of the site on the Internet. Webmaster.

Front-End and Backend Developer Maestro-W

February 2015 - June 2016 | Ukraine

  • Creation of a business card website of an online store. Stylization. Filling.
  • Creating and formatting a photo collection of shoes.
  • Site functionality.
  • Promotion of the site on the Internet.


National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine


September 2002 - June 2008 | Ukraine